Formal Development of Multi-Agent Systems with FPASSI: Towards Formalizing PASSI Methodology using Rewriting Logic
Agent technology has showed its ability and efficiency in modeling complex distributed
applications. During the last two decades, several MAS development methodologies have been
proposed like, for instance, Gaia, Tropos, and PASSI. Although these methodologies have
made significant contributions to meet several challenges in the MAS development field, most
of them do not use formal techniques. Formal methods, as it is well known, play a significant
role in developing more reliable and robust MAS. This paper presents the Formal-PASSI
methodology, an extension of the well-known PASSI methodology. The extension consists
mainly of the integration of a new formal model to the design process. The new model is based
on the Maude language and its extension Maude-Strategy, and aims to offer a formal
description of the MAS under development by a Model-to-Text transformation. The generated
formal description is then used to: (1) validate some PASSI behavioral diagrams, and (2) check
properties of both single & multi agent(s) abstraction level before passing to the code model.
Integrating formal methods into PASSI design process seems a good way to assure the
development of high quality agent-based applications. The proposed approach is supported by
a tool (F-PTK) that we developed and illustrated throughout the ATM case study.
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