A Robust Image Watermarking Scheme Based on the Laplacian Pyramid Transform
This paper is concerned with the digital image watermarking techniques to protect intellectual property and to authenticate digital images. Different from the most conventional methods using the discrete cosine transforms (DCT) and discrete-wavelet transforms (DWTs), this paper exploits the improved Laplacian pyramid transform to develop a new image watermarking scheme in which the improved Laplacian pyramid transform is used to decompose and reconstruct the host image. Then, to select an appropriate watermarking solution, we investigate the various frequency sub-band regions with different the levels and strength factors to perform the watermark embedding. Finally, we conduct experiments to investigate the invisibility and robustness of the proposed algorithm in terms the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), normalized correlation (NC), and structural similarity index (SSIM). Experimental results showed that our proposed scheme offers good robustness and invisibility. As compared to the watermarking schemes using the curvelets, our watermarking scheme is more robust for the lossy JPEG compression and Gaussian low pass filtering attacks. In addition, our method is also efficient in terms of computational time.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31449/inf.v44i1.2042

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