A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms to Build a Predictive Model for Detecting Diabetes Complications
Diabetes complications have a significant impact on patients’ quality of life. The objective of this study was to predict which patients were more likely to be in a complicated health condition at the time of admission to allow for the early introduction of medical interventions. The data were 644 electronic health records from Alsukari Hospital collected from January 2018 to April 2019. We used the following machine learning methods: logistic regression, random forest, and k-nearest neighbor (KNN). The logistic regression algorithm performed better than the other algorithms achieving an accuracy of 81%, recall of 81%, and F1 score of 75%. Also, attributes such as infection years, swelling, diabetic ketoacidosis, and diabetic septic foot were significant in predicting diabetes complications. This model can be useful for the identification of patients requiring additional care to limit the complications and help practitioners in making decisions on whether the patient should be hospitalized or sent home. Furthermore, we used the sequential feature selection(SFS) algorithm which reduced the features to six, which is fewer than any model built before to predict diabetes complications. The primary goal of this study was achieved. The model had fewer attributes which means we have a simple and understandable model in addition to, it has a better performance.
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