Regional Network Education Information Collection Platform for Smart Classrooms based on Big Data Technology
Big data technology plays an important role in optimizing the education intelligence by enhancing the learning experience through novel assessment strategies and predictive teaching. This work aims at improving the learning efficiency of users and increase the effective learning quality of the smart classroom concept using the big data technology. A regional network education information collection platform based on big data technology has been developed, which can collect student learning data for subsequent analysis and processing. The software architecture of this platform is mainly divided into basic layer, platform layer and access layer. The physical structure mainly includes web servers and Hadoop clusters. The big data acquisition platform of this education has excellent acquisition performance, and the data acquisition of different data item field length is larger than the expected index. The outcomes obtained reveals that the data item field is less than 20 and the acquisition amount is 145% of the expected result. When the data item field is between 20 and 40, the acquisition amount is 137% of the expected result. The collection is 116% of the expected result, when the data item field is between 40 and 50. When the data item field is between 50 and 60, the collection is 103% of the expected result. The comparison of the regular teaching method with the smart classroom based concept revealed that the big data platform is 87% better than the normal regular teaching methods in terms of study material as well as meaningful teacher-student interaction. The research on education big data can provide better education services for educational activities, drive the reform of teaching mode and optimize the teaching methods of education enabling the smart classroom concept.
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