IBchain: Internet of Things and Blockchain Integration Approach for Secure Communication in Smart Cities
Introducing IBchain, a new blockchain architecture with the Internet of Things (IoT) could be an attractive framework regarding improvements in connectivity implementation through the smart cities. Instead of meriting innovation and security, the IoT links people, sites, products and consequently, also provides opportunities. Everything that transfers information to the IoT system is integrated by advanced microchips, sensors, and actuators in actual things. The analytical ability of the IoT converts observations into actions, impacting business advancements and significant ways of activity. IoT enables connected objects to transmit information to personal blockchain systems to create tamper-resistant transaction records. The information from sensors and microchips is progressing rapidly with blockchain ledgers, making them more portable and relevant for immediate conversations. In IBchain methodology, the smart objects are permissible to connect securely with other smart objects in diverse situations. IBchain creates an innovative blockchain-based processing configuration through the IoT. The IBchain could analyze blockchain to the main expertise or supports the IoT validation and trustworthiness. It reinforces blockchain and cloud to build an empowering IoT ubiquitous situation for secure communication among the smart devices.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31449/inf.v45i3.3573

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