Improved Salsa20 Stream Cipher Diffusion Based on Random Chaotic Maps
To enhance stream ciphers, numerous studies have concentrated on the randomness, unpredictable nature, and complexity of keystream. Numerous stream algorithms have been put forth. Most of them require a significant amount of computational power. Salsa20 is a high-performance stream encryption solution that works on computers with fewer resources and uses a secure method that is faster than AES. They suggest Salsa20 for encryption in common cryptographic applications. Users who value speed over certainty should utilize the Salsa20 family of reduced-round ciphers, such as the (8,12) round cipher. It uses a 256-bit key and a hash algorithm. A successful fusion makes use of both the Salsa20 algorithm's and the random maps' advantages to improve the Salsa20 algorithm's shortcomings by increasing its unpredictability. Particularly now that Salsa20/7 has been hacked and Salsa20/12 is no longer as secure as it previously was. As a result, Salsa20 needs to achieve a high level of diffusion to withstand known attacks. Right now, salsa20 and its shortened versions rank among the fastest ciphers. This study presents a novel lightweight approach to construct a strong keystream that is sufficiently random to avoid being predicted by adversaries, achieve good diffusion, and withstand known assaults. A NIST test found that the performance of the (Salsa20-chaotic maps) approach in terms of data integrity and secrecy is nearly 0.3131 higher than that of the Salsa20.
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