Empirical Evaluation of Algorithm Performance: Addressing Execution Time Measurement Challenges

Tomaž Dobravec


In this paper, we investigate the influence of various factors, such as programming language, testing environment, and input data, on the accuracy of algorithm execution measurements. To conduct this study, we used the BubbleSort algorithm as a test case and implemented it in Java, C, and x86 assembly language. We executed these implementations with various inputs and performed an empirical evaluation of the results using the ALGator system. We showed that the influence of the chosen programming language is negligible, since the Java and C implementations gave very similar results, while the assembler implementation differed only by a constant factor. Furthermore, our analysis emphasized the importance of repeating tests to obtain precise timing measurements - the more tests we do, the more accurate the measured result will be. We also discuss the impact of the input data type which can significantly affect the execution time due to the increased number of mispredictions of the branch predictor.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31449/inf.v48i4.4752

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