Surrogate Estimators for Collaborative Decision

Fatiha Bendali, Alejandro Olivas Gonzales, Alain Quilliot, Hélène Toussaint


We deal here with job scheduling under the constraint of encapsulated renewable and non-renewable resources. For the sake of understanding, we rely here on a case study related to energy production by a photovoltaic platform. This context means synchronizing production and consumption in order to both minimize production cost and achieve the jobs according to specific purposes. Because of both the complexity of resulting bi-level model and the fact that synchronization most often involves distinct players with their own agenda and non shared information, we shortcut the production level with the help of surrogate estimators. Those estimators involve flexible pricing mechanisms and machine learning devices. According to this, we first perform a structural analysis of our model, before designing and testing several algorithms that implement this surrogate based approach.

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