A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach to Keyword Spotting in Vietnamese Stele Images
In order to access the rich cultural heritage conveyed in Vietnamese steles, automatic reading of stone engravings would be a great support for historians, who are analyzing tens of thousands of stele images. Approaching the challenging problem with deep learning alone is difficult because the data-driven models require large representative datasets with expert human annotations, which are not available for the steles and costly to obtain. In this article, we present a hybrid approach to spot keywords in stele images that combines data-driven deep learning with knowledge-based structural modeling and matching of Chu Nom characters. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it is annotation-free, i.e. no human data annotation is required. In an experimental evaluation, we demonstrate that keywords can be successfully spotted with a mean average precision of more than 70% when a single engraving style is considered.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.31449/inf.v47i3.4785

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