Q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Sets-Enhanced FMEA for COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Lazim Abdullah, Noor Azzah Awang, Muhammad Qiyas


Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a widely used tool for risk analysis, primarily to identify risk factors affecting system quality. Due to the limitations of the traditional FMEA model, several recent models incorporating advanced fuzzy set extensions have been developed to enhance the reliability of risk assessment outcomes. However, most of these models limit expert flexibility in expressing preferences and often overlook the impact of unequal expert weights and the stability of risk ranking results. This study introduces a new FMEA model based on Q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Sets (Q-ROFSs), termed Q-ROFSsFMEA. Q-ROFSs, an extension of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, introduce a new linguistic term. The Q-ROFSsFMEA model considers the unequal weights of experts, enabling a dynamic representation of expert preferences. These weights and the linguistic evaluation of risk factors are integrated through an aggregation operator, facilitating consensus among experts. The model is applied to a case study on COVID-19 risk factors, revealing that ‘older age’ (risk priority number 0.000012) is the highest risk factor, while ‘gender’ (risk priority number -0.0037) is the lowest. It is found that the ranking of risk factors determined by the Q-ROFSs-FMEA model is obtained as FM1 > FM3 > FM4 > FM5 > FM6 > FM7 > FM8 > FM2. Furthermore, a comparative analysis indicates consistent ranking results across different models, demonstrating the reliability of the proposed model. The case study and comparative analysis validate the effectiveness and applicability of the Q-ROFSsbased risk assessment model.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31449/inf.v49i1.4791

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