A Heuristic for Influence Maximization Under Deterministic Linear Threshold Model

Eszter Csókás, Tamás Vinkó


Influence maximization (IM) is perhaps one of the most actively studied problems in network science. It is a combinatorial optimization problem in which, given a directed social network with influence weights, a spreading model, and a positive integer k, it is required to identify the set of seed nodes of size k which can make the largest influence in the network. We proposed an exact ILP model in our recent work and iterative solution approach to solve the IM problem under the so-called deterministic linear threshold spreading model. Since the solution describes how the diffusion happens for different time constraints, it is of interest to investigate how the various characteristics of the underlying graph relates to the result. In this paper, we present two new centrality metrics, computed from the input network structure, and use them to minimize the number of possible seed nodes. The solver chooses among the potential seed nodes and solves the problem, reducing the solution time. Benchmarking results are shown and discussed to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31449/inf.v48i4.4805

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