Research and Application of Product Design User Requirements Mining Based on Online Comments and Kano Model
To solve the problems of solid subjectivity, fewer data, and poor real-time performance of user demand mining in product design, this paper proposes a method of user demand mining based on online reviews and the Kano model. Firstly, Octopus crawls the user's online comment data, and the text data is preprocessed by jieba to form a comment dataset. Then the data is classified and labeled by word segmentation. Secondly, the Apriori algorithm is used to extract the product attributes that users pay attention to frequently, and the SO-PMI is used to calculate the product attribute evaluation value. Finally, with the help of the KANO model, the user demand classification of product attributes is carried out, the priority ranking of product attributes is obtained, and then the direction of product optimization and improvement is proposed. A fire rescue drone product is taken as an example to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show that this method can provide valuable information about user requirements, improve user satisfaction, and promote the successful development of product design.
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