PrSChain: A Blockchain Based Privacy Preserving Approach for Data Service Composition
The main goal of a Data Service Composition is combining multiple data services to provide for a user’s query a new service which uses data from multiple service providers that are incorporated in the composition. In this situation, the data privacy and especially of the service providers can be breached when their critical data can be seen by another party. Therefore, keeping the data privacy during the composition process is crucial by every work in the context of the service composition. Recent approaches rely on a central mediator that can be trusted or not to ensuring the privacy of the service providers during the query execution. The most recent approaches found problems in case of untrusted mediator where they enforce restrictions like k-protection that can affect the efficiency of their works. Therefore, we propose PrSChain which preserves the privacy of all service providers during service composition and execution using BlockChain technology. We used a permissioned BlockChain that acts as trusted mediator where it enables users to access to the BC if a valid certificate is given. We use Hyperledger Fabric to implement our solution where it stores sensitive data about the composition plan. In addition, the intermediate query results are saved in IPFS that acts as offchain storage. As a proof of concept, we have tested PrSChain on a real-world medical dataset to show its feasibility and efficiency for maintaining privacy in a secure and trusted manner.
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