Fine-Tuning BERT for Aspect Extraction in Multi-domain ABSA
Aspect extraction plays a crucial role in understanding the fine-grained nuances of text data, allowing businesses and researchers to gain deeper insights into customer opinions, sentiment distributions, and preferences. This study presents a BERT-based framework for aspect extraction in ABSA and evaluates its performance. Our research focuses on the comprehensive analysis of aspect extraction as we test our method using the SEMEVAL dataset of various consumer evaluations across diverse domains, including laptops, restaurants, and Twitter. By fine-tuning BERT on a large dataset, we aim to overcome the limitations of traditional approaches and improve the accuracy and efficiency of aspect extraction in ABSA. The experimental findings provide evidence of the efficacy of our methodology with a noteworthy aspect extraction accuracy of 0.99, highlighting its capacity to properly and consistently extract features. The article also explores the applicability of our approach to new domains and its possible applications in real-world scenarios.
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