Designing A Blockchain Approach to Secure Firefighting Stations Based Internet of Things
Although the idea of communication between devices is not new, its development
has been rapid and significant since it helps people do their jobs more efficiently and keeps them fully informed of events at their homes and workplaces thanks to technology like the Blockchain (BC) based Internet of Things (IoT). However, this new technology suers from security issues and the existing research has not addressed these issues in depth. In this paper, a simulation of the smart network of the firefighting station was made. BC technology was used with one of the consensus algorithms which was proof of authority (PoA) to make this network more secure and private, in addition to the use of a hash function such as secure hash algorithm 384 (SHA-384), which is a one-way encryption function and was used to verify the BC data integrity so that it was dicult to hack the data and thus be the data transmission process is more secure. Also, the Espressif 32 (ESP32) device was chosen for this project because it oers several useful characteristics, including Wi-Fi and the capacity for rapid data transmission. It was observed from the results obtained from the application of consensus algorithms that the firefighting station network was made more secure and the PoA algorithm was better in several aspects such as execution time (maximum 0.4 S) and memory used (maximum 610 KB). Finally, the proposed work that was applied to the firefighting station was good in terms of safety and privacy, as the work of this station became more efficient.
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