A Novel Music Recommendation System Using Filtering Techniques
With the growth of the World Wide Web, a large amount of music data is available on the Internet. A large number of people listen to music online rather than downloading and listening offline. But only some sites provide personalized and accurately recommended songs while they listen to an auto-playing playlist. Hence the need for recommendation systems arises. Two approaches can be applied to the
recommendation system: content based filtering and collaborative filtering. While in content-based filtering approach, analysis on the songs’ content which has been preferred by the user in history is done and the songs with relative similarity are recommended. While latter suggests songs that certain users of similar listening pattern have preferred. But collaborative filtering-based recommendation
systems not only requires time to attain stability but also might recommend unsuitable music because it is not personalized to each user’s preference. Also, the latter requires the songs to be listened by a few users already to recommend it any other user. Hence for overall analysis, answers to few questions need
to be implemented in recommendation systems: the very first one is how the properties should be analyzed, next one is how the analysis should be done and last is how the songs related to the user’s preference should be chosen. So, for suggesting the better system which solves these three questions as
well as provides better and personalized recommendations, In this paper we build a collaborative filtering as well as content based filtering recommendation system, where various factors determine the essence of the songs, i.e. liveliness, keys used, loudness, pitch, valence, etc., are analyzed for comparison. From the experimental analysis in has been identified that content-based filtering technique performed best on KNN machine learning classifier with accuracy of 85%.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.31449/inf.v48i4.5435

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