Leveraging the Potential of Large Language Models

Shreya Prasad, Himank Gupta, Arup Ghosh


This study focuses on enhancing Natural Language Processing (NLP) in generative AI chatbots through the utilization of advanced pre-trained models. We assessed five distinct Large Language Models (LLMs): TRANSFORMER MODEL, FALCON 7B, LAMINI-FLAN-T5-783M, LLAMA-2-7B, and LLAMA-2-13B to identify the most effective one. Our findings revealed that the LLAMA Model excels in comprehending user queries and delivering precise responses during conversations. The article elucidates the methodology employed to evaluate and select various models for our chatbot. Through rigorous testing, we determined that the LLAMA-2-13B model exhibits enhanced response time and accuracy. Additionally, we employed tools such as Facebook Artificial Intelligence Similarity Search (FAISS) and experimented with user interfaces like Streamlit and Chainlit to enhance the chatbot's user-friendliness. The research underscores the significance of selecting the appropriate model for crafting efficient chatbots. Ultimately, the LLAMA-13B model emerged as the standout performer, showcasing superior performance. Benchmark assessments, including HellaSwag and WinoGrande, which gauge common sense reasoning, were employed to evaluate our chatbot's capabilities. The study concludes that LLAMA-based models hold significant promise for the development of innovative and user-friendly chatbots in the future.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31449/inf.v48i8.5635

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