A Framework for Malicious Domain Names Detection using Feature Selection and Majority Voting Approach

Dharmaraj Rajaram Patil


As cyber attacks become more sophisticated, identifying and mitigating bad domain
names has become critical to assuring the security of online environments. This paper
presents a framework for detecting malicious domain names using a feature selection
strategy and a majority vote method. The suggested methodology begins with the
extraction of important features from domain names and their related characteristics,
followed by a rigorous feature selection procedure to determine the most discriminating
attributes. To accomplish feature selection, a variety of feature selection techniques are
used, including chi-square statistics, information gain, gain ratio, and correlation-based
feature selection, to analyse the value of each characteristic in distinguishing benign and
malicious domain names. In addition, a majority voting strategy is utilised to improve
the detection system’s overall accuracy and reliability by combining the predictions of
different classifiers such as AdaBoost, logistic regression, k-nearest neighbours, naive
bayes, and multilayer perceptron. The ensemble of classifiers is trained on the ideal
features, yielding a complete and robust model capable of accurately recognising mali-
cious domain names while minimising false positives. The proposed approach is evalu-
ated against real-world examples of harmful domain names. The suggested framework
employing Chi-square feature selection and majority voting detects malicious domain
names with an accuracy of 99.44%, precision of 99.44%, recall of 99.44%, and f-measure
of 99.44%. The use of feature selection and a majority voting technique improves the
system’s adaptability and resilience in the face emerging cyber threats.

Full Text:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31449/inf.v48i3.5824

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