Exploring the Power of Dual Deep Learning for Fake News Detection

Hounaida Moalla, Hana Abid, Dorsaf Sallami, Esma Aïmeur, Bassem Ben Hamed


The rise of social media has intensified the spread of fake news, a problem further exacerbated by generative artificial intelligence (AI). Hence, the need for improved detection of both human-created and AI-generated fake news using advanced AI models is critical. This paper proposes a survey to assess knowledge and attitudes towards news and AI, combining demographic data, personality traits, and the ability to distinguish between real and AI-generated news. Additionally, we create a new dataset, ERAF-News, containing real, fake, AI-generated true, and AI-generated fake news. To classify different types of news, we developed a dual-stream transformer model, DuSTraMo. This model leverages the capabilities of two parallel transformers to enhance the accuracy of news classification. The survey, involving 83 participants from 9 countries, revealed that respondents struggle to differentiate human-generated from AI-generated news. Notably, BERT outperformed GPT-2 and BART in generating realistic text, and RoBERTa and DistilBERT achieved over 98% accuracy in fake news classification. Dual-GPT models also showed high accuracy.
This study underscores the effectiveness of the DuSTraMo model and the ERAF-News dataset in enhancing the detection of both human-created and AI-generated fake news. The findings highlight the increasing dominance of AI in this domain and the pressing need for advanced methods to combat fake news. Additionally, a survey examining users’ responses to fake news reveals a concerning inability to accurately
identify false information.

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