State-of-the-Art in Multi-faceted Feature Matching for E-Commerce: A Comprehensive Analysis

Noorbasha Zareena, B Tarakeswara Rao


In this paper we provided an insightful exploration into the critical role of feature matching in enhancing the efficacy of e-commerce recommendation systems. By meticulously analyzing user data and product characteristics, feature matching significantly improves the personalization of product suggestions, thereby augmenting user experience and engagement in online shopping platforms. The paper reviews existing methodologies, including collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, hybrid models, and advanced deep learning approaches, which have collectively advanced the domain of personalized recommendations. Despite these advancements, the paper identifies key limitations such as scalability challenges, the cold start problem, over-specialization versus diversity in recommendations, and concerns over user privacy and data security. Through this comprehensive analysis, the survey makes substantial contributions by delineating the current state of the art, pinpointing critical gaps, and suggesting avenues for future research. The paper particularly emphasizes the need for dynamic adaptation in recommendation systems to keep pace with the fast-evolving e-commerce sector and changing consumer behaviors. Future research directions highlighted include the exploration of unsupervised and reinforcement learning models, the development of cross-domain recommendation systems, and the integration of emerging technologies, all aimed at fostering more nuanced, adaptable, and ethically responsible recommendation mechanisms

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