Job Resumes Recommendation using Integration of Fuzzy Discernibility Matrix Feature Selection and Convolutional Neural Network Multi-label Text Classification

Regiolina Hayami, Nooraini Yusoff, Kauthar Mohd Daud, Yulia Fatma


The manual analysis of job resumes poses specific challenges, including the time-intensive process and the high likelihood of human error, emphasizing the need for automation in content-based recommendations. Recent advancements in deep learning, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Multi-label Text Classification (MLTC), offer a promising solution for addressing these challenges through artificial intelligence. While CNN is renowned for its robust feature extraction capabilities, it faces specific challenges such as managing high-dimensional data and poor data interpretability. To address these limitations, this study employs the Fuzzy Discernibility Matrix (FDM) feature selection technique to determine the relevance of skills for each job vacancy. FDM assigns weights to the features of each job category and ranks their relevance based on the highest scores, which are then utilized in the MLTC CNN model. The integration of FDM and MLTC CNN serves as the foundation for generating content-based recommendations derived from key features in job resumes. This study produces a content-based job recommendation system that displays the top three job categories, accompanied by explanations of the skills supporting each selected category. These recommendations also consider cosine similarity values between analyzed items and the integrated results of FDM and MLTC CNN. The application of FDM for feature weighting has been proven to enhance multi-label text classification outcomes by providing better insights during the feature selection process. With a recall of 97.26%, precision of 94.81%, and accuracy of 98.58%, the MLTC model integrating FDM feature selection and CNN demonstrates robust performance characteristics in content-based job recommendation tasks.

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