CNN-Based Multi-Output and Multi-Task Regression for Supershape Reconstruction from 3D Point Clouds

Hassnae Remmach, Siti Fatimah Abdul Razak, Arif Ullah, Sumendra Yogarayan, Md Shohel Sayeed, Amine Mrhari


Three-dimensional reconstruction is vital across various fields, including computer graphics, robotics, and medical imaging. This paper proposes a deep learning approach for three-dimensional object reconstruction, from 3D point cloud, a CNN-based Multi-output and Multi-Task Regressor. Our method is based on the original Point Net architecture, which is based on the challenges of applying convolution to point clouds. In the first place, this paper is adjusted with a Multi-Output Regressor to reconstruct Super shapes from 3D point clouds with a high degree of accuracy. In this approach, we first use Point Net to extract features from the 3D point cloud. These features are then fed into a Multi-Output Regressor, which predicts the Super shape parameters required to reconstruct the shape. The Multi-Output Regressor takes in the extracted features from Point Net and predicts multiple outputs at once. In the second place, the Point Net is adjusted with a Multi-Task Regressor. The network benefits from the ability to generalize the knowledge learned from one task to another, thereby enhancing the overall performance of the model. In the case of reconstructing Super shapes, the model would predict the 10 parameters required to generate the shape. The test results exceeded our expectations; they are interesting in terms of precision and cost of prediction

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