ICU-Net: A U-shaped Low-Dose CT Image Denoising Network Based on Codec Structure
Aims to address the issue of low-dose CT images (LDCT) introducing a considerable amount of noise due to radiation reduction, which subsequently results in a reduction in image quality and an impact on the validity of medical evaluations, a codec-based denoising model ICU-Net for LDCT images is proposed. The model utilizes an improved ConvNext block (ICB) for feature learning to extract feature data at different scales. Channel and spatial hybrid attention mechanisms (ECA) are introduced to suppress noise and artifacts. Furthermore, a blended loss function is implemented to counteract image over smoothing, which results in a denoised image that is more closely aligned with a normal-dose CT(NDCT) image. Experimental results show that the ICU-Net effectively suppresses the noise and artifacts in LDCT images. In comparison with the current denoising methods, the algorithm performs well and retains more texture details. The algorithm achieved PSNR, SSIM and RMSE values of 25.1285, 0.7217, and 43.0125 respectively, achieving the best results among the models compared.
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