An Integrated Framework with Enhanced Primitives for Post-Quantum Cryptography: HEDT and ECSIDH for Cloud Data Security and Key Exchange

Shaik Mohammad Ilias, V. Ceronmani Sharmila, V. Sathya Durga


If adversaries were to obtain quantum computers in the future, their massive computing power would likely break existing security schemes. Since security is a continuous process, more substantial security schemes must be developed. Current PQC schemes primarily focus on data security or key exchange, and further improvement towards enhanced PQC primitives is required. Our proposal in this research is an innovative paradigm for PQC-focused cloud data security. The proposed HEDT approach achieves encryption and decryption with significantly lower latency (20% improvement) and higher reliability than AES, DES, and RSA, as demonstrated through experimental results. Furthermore, ECSIDH, a hybrid key exchange mechanism combining SIDH and ECDH, improves security strength by 50% while maintaining computational costs within 1.13x of SIDH. Compared to individual key exchange schemes like SIDH, ECSIDH offers superior security as a PQC candidate. These results confirm the robustness and efficiency of the proposed framework in ensuring secure data outsourcing and key exchange in cloud environments.

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