Drupal 8 Modules: Translation Management Tool and Paragraphs
As the Web has grown in the last few decades, we now have nearly one billion websites online and most of them offer rich information, that is usually diffcult to manage by normal users. In order to simplify the process of creating and managing website content with relative ease and with an user friendly experience, lots of content management systems were developed. These are software applications that provide capabilities for multiple users with di
erent permission levels to seamlessly create, edit, review and publish website content. They offer a web-based graphical user interface, enabling publishers to access the content management systems online using only a web browser. Because of good security, quality, customisability and great support by the community of developers, open source content management systems are becoming extremely popular and many of them available on the market. The most noticeable are Drupal, Joomla, Magento and Wordpress. A lot of di
erent surveys have been done to determine which one of them is the best, but this question still remained unanswered. Because of our personal involvement into developing Drupal and helping the community, this article describes a totally new version of Drupal, named Drupal 8. Firstly, a short overview about Drupal and all its key parts is presented, followed by a chapter describing all the new features and the current status. Two subtopics of this article will include modules that we lately contributed to { Translation Management Tool and Paragraphs. Some of our main issues are described at the end of each module.
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