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Boutiche, Yamina, Centre de Recherche en Technologies Industrielles CRTI
Bouziane, Okba, annaba university
Boxun, Wang
Boytcheva, S.
Bozinovski, Stevo, South Carolina State University
Brabazon, A.
Brada, Premek, Associate Prof (Software Engineering), Head Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, CZ
Bradshaw, K.
Brahim, Farou, LabSTIC Laboratory
Brank, J.
Brank, Janez, Jozef Stefan Institute
Brank, Janez, Institut Jozef Stefan
Bratko, I.
Bratko, Ivan, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana
Bratko, Ivan
Bratko, Ivan, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science (Slovenia)
Braubach, L.
Braun, P.
Bregar, A.
Brest, J.
Brezovan, M.
Brezovan, Marius, University of Craiova, Romania
Brodnik, A.
Brodnik, Andrej
Brodnik, Andrej, University of Primorska

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