Privacy-preserving Cloud-based Personal Health Record System Using Attribute-based Encryption and Anonymous Multi-ReceiverIdentity-based Encryption
As an emerging patient-centric model of health information exchange, cloud-based per-sonal health record (CB-PHR) system holds great promise for empowering patients andensuring more efective delivery of health care. In this paper, we design a novel CB-PHRsystem. It allows PHR owners to securely store their health data on the semi-trustedcloud service providers, and to selectively share their health data with a wide rangeof PHR users. To reduce the key management complexity, we divide PHR users intotwo security domains named public domain and personal domain. PHR owners encrypttheir health data for the public domain using ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryp-tion scheme, while encrypt their health data for the personal domain using anonymousmulti-receiver identity-based encryption scheme. Only authorized users whose creden-tials satisfy the specified ciphertext-policy or whose identities belong to dedicated iden-tities can decrypt the encrypted health data. Extensive analytical and experimentalresults are presented which show that our CB-PHR system is secure, privacy-protected,scalable and efcient.
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