Individual Classification: an Ontological Fuzzy Based Approach
Recently, serval reasoners for very expressive fuzzy Description Logics have been implemented. However, in some cases, applications do not require all the reasoner services and would benefit from the efficiency of just certain reasoning tasks. To this scope, we are interested in the individual fuzzy classification issue. In fact, decision-making applications for real world domain is often based on classifying new situations into fuzzy categories. Therefore, we propose Fuzzy Realizer to offer an effective classification even with imprecise/vague or incomplete knowledge so that appropriate decision can be made. Fuzzy Realizer is a Java prototype implementation for realizing fuzzy ontologies. It supports the well-known fuzzy description logic Z SHOIN (D). It allows (i) fuzzy concrete domains, (ii) modified and (iii) weighted concepts. It is able to (i) classify new individuals, even with incomplete descriptions, (ii) provide a more human-oriented classification by hiding the crisp boundaries between different fuzzy categories and (iii) to populate fuzzy ontologies which address an aspect of fuzzy ontologies evolution, a topic which is rarely discussed.
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