New Re-ranking Approach in Merging Search Results

Hung Trung Vo


When merging query results from various information sources or from different search engines, popular methods based on available documents scores or on order ranks in returned lists, its can ensure the fast response, but results are often inconsistent. Another approach is downloading contents of top documents for re-indexing and re-ranking to create final ranked result list. This method guarantees better quality but is resource-consuming. In this paper, we compare two methods of merging search results: a) applying formulas to re-evaluate document based on different combinations of returned order ranks, documents titles and snippets; b) Top-Down Re-ranking algorithm (TDR) gradually downloads, calculates scores and adds top documents from each source into the final list. We propose also a new way to re-rank search results based on genetic programming and re-ranking learning. Experimental result shows that the proposed method is better than traditional methods in terms of both quality and time.

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