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Katerina Kabassi
Ionian University
Katerina Kabassi is currently an Associate Professor and Head the Department of Environment, Faculty of Environment, Ionian University (Greece). She received a first degree in Informatics (1999) and a D.Phil. (2003) from the Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus (Greece). She has authored more than 110 articles, which have been published in international/national journals, books and conferences. She has served as a member of Program Committees in more than 150 conferences and/or reviewer in more than 160 conferences. Additionally, she has served as reviewer in 27 international journals. Her current research interests are in the areas of Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Personalised Software, Environmental Informatics, Knowledge-based Software Engineering, Human Computer Interaction, Web-based Information Systems and Educational Software.
Athanasios Botonis
TEI of Ionian Islands
Athanasios Botonis holds two bachelor degrees, one in Physics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and one in Conservation of Antiquities & Works of Art from the TEI of Ionian Islands. He has worked as a teacher of Physics for many years but lately his interest is in combining his degrees and works in the Conservation of Antiquities & Works of Art as well as in physicochemical analyzes.
Christos Karydis
Ionian University
Dr. Christos Karydis is an assistant professor at the Ionian University. He is also teaching at the University of Aegean (MSc Applied Archaeological Science) and at the MSc Programme ARCHMAT at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. After his first degree in Conservation (BA Hons) from De Montfort University, UK he trained in textile conservation at the TCC- University of Southampton, UK (one year).
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Informatica is financially supported by the Slovenian research agency from the Call for co-financing of scientific periodical publications.
Webmaster: Mario Konecki
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