Knowledge redundancy approach to reduce size in association rules
Association Rules Mining is one of the most studied and widely applied fields in Data Mining. However, the discovered models usually result in a very large set of rules; so the analysis capability, from the user point of view, is diminishing. Hence, it is difficult to use the found model in order to assist decision-making process. The previous handicap is heightened in presence of redundant rules in the final set. In this work a new definition of redundancy in association rules is proposed, based on user prior knowledge. A post-processing method is developed to eliminate this kind of redundancy, using association rules known by the user. Our proposal allows to find more compact models of association rules to ease its use in the decision-making process. The developed experiments have shown reduction levels that exceed 90 percent of all generated rules, using prior knowledge always below ten percent. So, our method improves the efficiency of association rules mining and the exploitation of discovered association rules.
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