Data Quality Strategy Selection in CRIS: Using a Hybrid Method of SWOT and BWM
Data quality has been considerably faced with more attention in recent years. While improving the quality of any type of information system needs to apply data quality dimensions, this process is a strategic decision of any organization. Current Research Information System (CRIS) is a state of the art information system which manages different processes for acquisition, indexing, and dissemination of researches funded by research funders. In this paper, quality improvement programs for a CRIS are strategically defined using Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threaten (SWOT) approach. According to examined SWOT method, weaknesses (such as failure to evaluate the quality of information contained in the research), strengths (such as the accuracy of information classification), opportunities (such as the presence of university representatives in the process of thesis/dissertation registration) and threats (such as transfer of incorrect information by other systems) are identified and categorized. Besides, data quality dimensions are considered for determining all strategies for improving CRIS. An advanced multi-criteria decision-making method called Best-Worst Method (BWM) is applied for prioritizing obtained strategies. Results of proposed methodology indicated that the development and classification of the appropriate space for recording, controlling, indexing and disseminating the received information is obtained the first rank among the other strategies. Also, the creation of a comprehensive knowledge database for all researches in different universities is another main strategy that is ranked in second priority.
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