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Mudita Sinha
Christ University
Dr Mudita Sinha is the Assistant Professor at the Christ University, Bangalore, India. Her research focus is on technology and consumer behaviour. Email: mudita.sinha@christuniversity.in
Leena Fukey
Christ University
Dr Leena Fukey obtained he PhD from Nagpur University and currently attached at the Christ University, Bangalore, India. Her research focus is on technology and hospitality management. Email: leena.n.fukey@christuniversity.in
Kandappan Balasubramanian
Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management (FSLM), Taylor's University
Associate Professor Dr Kandappan Balasubramanian is the Associate Professor at the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management (FSLM), Taylor's University, Malaysia. His recent research projects include service innovation, augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence (AI) in the hospitality/restaurant industry, and higher education. Email: kandappan.balasubramanian@taylors.edu.my
Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah
Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA
Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. He completed his Ph.D. in Hotel and Tourism Management from UiTM in 2016 and Master in Economics from Universiti Malaya in 2008. He is an active author within the tourism management realm; authoring and co-authoring multiple research paper published in international Scopus and Web of Science-indexed journal.
Puvaneswaran Kunasekaran
Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management (FSLM), Taylor's University
Dr Puvaneswaran Kunasekaran is the Senior Lecturer at the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management (FSLM), Taylor's University, Malaysia. His recent research projects include service innovation and community behaviour. Email: puvaneswaran.kunasekaran@taylors.edu.my
Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan
Faculty of Social Sciences & Leisure Management, Taylors University
Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan is the Executive Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences & Leisure Management of Taylors University, Malaysia. He earns his Doctorate's Degree in Sociology, University of Toulouse II, France. His recent research projects focuses on marketing and innovation areas. Email: neethia.n@taylors.edu.my
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Informatica is financially supported by the Slovenian research agency from the Call for co-financing of scientific periodical publications.
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