Research on Machine Translation of Deep Neural Network Learning Model Based on Ontology
To align different ontologies, it is necessary to find effective ways to achieve interoperability of information in the context of the Semantic Web. The development of accurate and reliable techniques to automatically perform this task, it is becoming more and more crucial as overlap between ontologies grows proportionally. In order to solve the problem that traditional machine translation cannot meet the needs of users because of the slow translation speed. According to the characteristics of Ontology's domain knowledge concept system, deep neural network learning model based machine translation method is proposed. Through the experimental design, we examine the translation time and BLEU score and other indicators. After junior translators use the tools, the translation time is reduced by 34.0% and the BLEU score increases by 7.59; after the senior translators use the tools, the translation time is reduced by 11.3%, and the BLEU score is increased by 1.67. Analysis of the experimental results shows that the essence of this method is to complement translation skills, so it is more effective for junior translators who are not good enough in translation skills. The machine translation method based on deep neural network learning can significantly improve the quality and efficiency of translation.
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