Application and Study of Artificial Intelligence in Railway Signal Interlocking Fault
The rapid development of railway transportation towards high speed, high density and heavy load has led to even higher requirements for the safety of railway signal equipment. The safety of railway signal equipment is an important part of ensuring railway traffic safety, thus, it is very necessary to study a system that can diagnose the fault of railway signal equipment according to the actual situation. This article utilizes the deep learning algorithm of artificial intelligence for investigating the interlocking faults in the railway transportation. This paper uses ADASYN data synthesis method to synthesize few category samples, uses TF-IDF to extract features and transform vectors, and proposes a deep learning integration method based on combined weight. The results show that BiGRU has better overall classification performance when evaluated on the index of primary and secondary fault classification accuracy. The classification accuracy improvement of 5% is achieved for primary fault classification and the comprehensive evaluation index of secondary fault classification is improved by about 9%. It was revealed that when compared with ADASYN + BiLSTM neural network, the comprehensive evaluation index of primary fault classification accuracy is improved by about 6%, and the comprehensive evaluation index of secondary fault classification is improved by about 10%. It is demonstrated that deep learning integration is an effective method to improve the classification performance of turnout fault diagnosis model.
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