Deep Learning-based Cnn Multi-modal Camera Model Identification for Video Source Identification
There is a high demand for multimedia forensics analysts to locate the original
camera of photographs and videos that are being taken nowadays. There has been considerable
progress in the technology of identifying the source of data, which has enabled conflict resolutions
involving copyright infringements and identifying those responsible for serious offences to be resolved.
This study focuses on the issue of identifying the camera model used to acquire video sequences
used in this research that is, identifying the type of camera used to capture the video sequence
under investigation. For this purpose, we created two distinct CNN-based camera model recognition
techniques to be used in an innovative multi-modal setting. The proposed multi-modal methods
combine audio and visual information in order to address the identification issue, which is superior
to mono-modal methods which use only the visual or audio information from the investigated video
to provide the identification information.According to legal standards of admissible evidence and
criminal procedure, Forensic Science involves the application of science to the legal aspects of criminal
and civil law, primarily during criminal investigations, in line with the standards of admissible
evidence and criminal procedure in the law. It is responsible for collecting, preserving, and analyzing
scientific evidence in the course of an investigation. It has become a critical part of criminology as a
result of the rapid rise in crime rates over the last few decades. Our proposed methods were tested
on a well-known dataset known as the Vision dataset, which contains about 2000 video sequences
gathered from various devices of varying types. It is conducted experiments on social media platforms
such as YouTube and WhatsApp as well as native videos directly obtained from their acquisition
devices by the means of their acquisition devices. According to the results of the study, the multimodal
approaches suggest that they greatly outperform their mono-modal equivalents in addressing
the challenge at hand, constituting an effective approach to address the challenge and offering the
possibility of even more difficult circumstances in the future
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