Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Systems for Fraud Detection and Forensics in Dark Web Environments
Artificial Intelligence (AI) influenced technical aspects of research for generating automated intelligent behaviors covering divergent domains but has shown appreciable results when used in cyber forensic technology for crime analysis and detection. AI experts warned about possible security risks associated with algorithms and training data, as AI inherits computing features dealing with IoT-based Smart applications and autonomous transportation, and may be found to be susceptible to vulnerability and threats. The present work discusses models for analyzing terrorists related information and categorizing malicious events by covering the literature review on security risks and AI-related criminality by presenting a taxonomy of criminal behavior and signatures covering tools and criminal targets used in fraudulent activities using AI features by digital forensic techniques. We’ve also shown how AI may make existing crimes more potent, and that new sorts of crimes could emerge that haven't been identified previously. This study has presented a systematic structure for AI crime and dealing strategies. Furthermore, we have proposed AI forensics, a unique strategy for combating AI crime. We discovered that several concepts of DF are still not preferred in AI-based forensics after conducting a comparative examination of forensics.
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