Integration of EfficientNetB0 and Machine Learning for Fingerprint Classification
A fingerprint is a common form of biometric technology used in human identification. The classification of fingerprints is crucial in identification systems because it significantly reduces the time required to identify a person and allows for the possibility of using fingerprints to distinguish between genders and identify individuals. Fingerprints are the most reliable identifiers because they are unique and impossible to fake. As a method of personal identification, fingerprints remain the best and most trustworthy. Fingerprint classification is crucial in a wide variety of settings, such as airports, banks, and emergencies involving explosives and natural disasters. This study proposes a deep learning strategy for determining whether a fingerprint belongs to a male or female person. With the help of pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNN) in computer vision and an extremely powerful tool that has achieved significant success in image classification and pattern recognition. This work includes the use of the SOCOFing fingerprint dataset for training and employing a state-of-the-art model for feature extraction called EfficientNetB0, which was trained on the ImageNet dataset. Then feeding the extracted features into a principal component analysis (PCA) to decrease the dimension of these features and random forest RF classifier for fingerprint classification. Lastly, the tests showed that the proposed strategy outperformed the previous categorization methods in terms of accuracy (99.91%), speed for execution time, and efficiency.
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