Improved Memory Efficient Computing Unit DWT Architecture For Satellite Images

Azhagu Jaisudhan Pazhani, Gunasekaran Perumalsamy, A. Rameshbabu


The 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform is a signal transform that is frequently used in picture and video compression. It is a computationally costly signal transform. VLSI implementation of 2D DWT is susceptible to a set of restrictions such as area and power consumption due to its increasing use in high data rate communication and storage in portable and handheld devices. The Distributed Arithmetic architecture is one of several architectures for constraint-driven VLSI implementation of 2D DWT that have been developed in recent years. The Distributed Arithmetic architecture is used efficiently to execute inner product computations, eliminating the need for multiplication and increasing computation speed. Filtering is the most power-intensive process in DWT, and multipliers are more expensive, so in Distributed Arithmetic architecture, multipliers are substituted with shifts and ROM lookup tables. However, as the number of filter coefficients grows, the size of the ROM look-up table grows, which can be decreased using the lookup table compression technique. In this paper, an  Improved Memory Efficient Distributed Arithmetic Architecture for DWT has been proposed. The look-up table is used to stock the inner product values and then compressed. The performance of the improved LUT compressed algorithm is superior than the existing technique.

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