Enhanced Cybercrime Detection on Twitter Using Aho-Corasick Algorithm and Machine Learning Techniques
The proposed work objective is to adapt Online social networking (OSN) is a type of interactive computer-mediated technology that allows people to share information through virtual networks. The microblogging feature of Twitter makes cyberspace prominent (usually accessed via the dark web).
The work used the datasets and considered the Scrape Twitter Data (Tweets) in Python using the SN-Scrape module and Twitter 4j API in JAVA to extract social data based on hashtags, which is used to select and access tweets for dataset design from a profile on the Twitter platform based on locations, keywords, and hashtags. The experiments contain two datasets. The first dataset has over 1700 tweets with a focus on location as a keypoint (hacking-for-fun data, cyber-violence data, and vulnerability injector data), whereas the second dataset only comprises 370 tweets with a focus on reposting of tweet status as a keypoint.
The method used is focused on a new system model for analysing Twitter data and detecting terrorist attacks. The weights of susceptible keywords are found using a ternary search by the Aho-Corasick algorithm (ACA) for conducting signature and pattern matching.
The result represents the ACA used to perform signature matching for assigning weights to extracted words of tweet. ML is used to evaluate Twitter data for classifying patterns and determining the behaviour to identify if a person is a terrorist. SVM (Support Vector Machine) proved to be a more accurate classifier for predicting terrorist attacks compared to other classifiers (KNN- K-Nearest Neighbour and NB-Naïve Bayes). The 1st dataset shows the KNN-Acc. -98.38% and SVM Accuracy as 98.85%, whereas the 2nd dataset shows the KNN-Acc. -91.68% and SVM Accuracy as 93.97%.
The proposed work concludes that the generated weights are classified (cyber-violence, vulnerability injector, and hacking-for-fun) for further feature classification. Machine learning (ML) [KNN and SVM] is used to predict the occurrence and incident of crime. The accuracy and efficacy are evaluated using several parameters in the model.
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