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Romil Rawat
Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya
Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Shri Vaishnav Institute of Information Technology, Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya Indore, India
A Samson Arun Raj
School of Computer Science and Technology, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore, India
Dr. A. Samson Arun Raj is currently working as an Assistant Professor (Grade I) in the Division of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Computer Science and Technology, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. His research is focused on smart city development using drone networks and energy grids under various applications, and his area of expertise is wireless sensor networks, vehicular ad-hoc networks, and intelligent transportation systems.
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Chakrawarti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sushila Devi Bansal College(SDBC), Bansal Group of Institutions(BGI), Indore(MP) - India
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Chakrawarti is working as an Dean and Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Sushila Devi Bansal College(SDBC), Bansal Group of Institutions(BGI), Indore(MP) - India. He has a professional experience of over 20+ years that includes in Academia and Industry. He is involved in teaching courses at both Undergraduate and Post Graduate levels. He is always involved in Teaching, Training, Research, Department, Institution, and University development activities. He has guided 17 Post-Graduate Dissertations and 01 is ongoing. He has organized nearly 100+ Seminars/ Workshops/ FDPs/ SDPs/ Conferences/ Certifications. He has attended around 100+ Seminars/ Workshops/ FDPs/ Conferences/ Certifications and presented/ published/ 100+ Research papers/chapters in books/ abstracts in National/ International Conferences/ Journals. He has worked as Remote Centre Coordinator, Workshop Coordinator, Aakash Project Coordinator, and Spoken Tutorial RESOURCE Centre Coordinator for NMEICT-Project MHRD Govt. of India New Delhi Conducted by IIT-Bombay and IIT-Kharagpur in duration 2012-14 for Remote Centre Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science (RCID-1117), Indore. His main research interest includes Compiler Design, Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Machine Translation, & Word-Sense Disambiguation.
Dr. Krishnan Sakthidasan Sankaran
Department of ECE, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai, India.
Dr. Krishnan Sakthidasan Sankaran is a professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, India. He received his B.E. degree from Anna University in 2005, his M.Tech. degree from SRM University in 2007, and his Ph.D. degree from Anna University in 2016. He has been a senior member of IEEE for the past 10 years and a member of various professional bodies. He is an active reviewer in Elsevier journals and an editorial board member in various international journals. His research interests include image processing, wireless networks, cloud computing, and antenna design. He has published more than 70 papers in referred journals and international conferences. He has also published three books to his credit.
Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Sarangi
Utkal University, Coordinator and Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India
Adjunct Professor and Coordinator at Utkal University, distinguished background in Academic, Research, and Industry sectors combined with 23 years of experience in the knowledge towards achieving the institution's objectives through skill, knowledge, and nourishing the global educational system. He is a qualified GATE and holds a Master of Technology in Comp. Sc & Engg. and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science. He was the Research Fellow in Science and Technology, at UGC, Govt of India, and visiting Doctoral Fellow at the University of California, USA. His research findings are in Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networks, IDS, Mobile Communications, Cloud Computing, Geospatial Science and Remote Sensing, Climate Change, and Disaster prediction system. He has a number of publications in Journals and Conferences. He has authored many textbooks and book chapters. He has more than 30 National and International Patents. He is an active member and Life member in many associations and also Editor, Technical Program Committee member, and reviewer in reputed journals and conferences. He is a successful coordinator for the NMICT project conducted by IIT, Bombay, and Kharagpur. His Contributed Digital Resources dedicated to Govt. of Odisha, IGNOU, and CSTA, USA. Academic coordinator in administration to various components of the Internationalization of higher education and international profile-building of university and academic exchange agreements with international universities. Managing International Student and Scholar Services with visibility of the international community and promoting educational and cultural exchange programs as International Student Advisor. Taking care of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enhance and optimize the information and worldwide research that can lead to improved student learning and teaching methods. Also undertakes ICT-based support for the smooth functioning of e-learning systems for the university.
Hitesh Rawat
Research Scholar ,Department of Business Management ,University of Extremadura, Spain
Hitesh Rawat is a Research Scholar in the Department of Business Management and Economics, at the University of Extremadura, Spain, and is currently also working as a researcher, dealing with research and promotional activities. He has several years of consulting, teaching, and research experience. The author/editor has research aligned with the business framework for secure communication, cyber security, management, tourism studies, operation, marketing, financial supply chain, and cyber security. He also chaired international conferences and hosted several research events, including national and international research schools, PhD colloquia, workshops, and training programs.
Anjali Rawat
Research Scholar ,Department of Computer and Communication Technology,University of Extremadura, Spain
Anjali Rawat is a Research scholar working in the domain of cyber threat at Online social Network with
teaching, research, and promotional activities. She has several years of consulting, teaching, and research
experience. The author/editor has research alignment with business framework for secure communication and
cyber security. She also chaired international conferences and hosted several research events, including
national and international research schools, PhD colloquia, workshops, and training programmes.
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Informatica is financially supported by the Slovenian research agency from the Call for co-financing of scientific periodical publications.
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