Brain Tumor Classification in MRI Images Using VGG19 with Type2 Fuzzy Logic

Rasha Ali Dihin, Nesreen Readh Hamza


A Brain Tumor are highly dangerous illnesses that significantly reduce the life expectancy of patients. The classification of brain tumors plays a crucial role in clinical diagnosis and effective treatment. The misdiagnosis of brain tumors will result in wrong medical intercession and reduce chance of survival of patients Precisely diagnosing brain tumors is of utmost importance for devising suitable treatment plans that can effectively cure and improve the quality of life for patients afflicted with this condition. To tackle this challenge, present a framework that harnesses deep convolutional layers to automatically extract crucial and resilient features from the input data. Systems that use computers and with the help of convolutional neural networks have provided huge success stories in early detection of tumors.  In our framework, utilize VGG19 model combined with fuzzy logic type-2 where used fuzzy logic type-2 that applied to enhancement the images brain while used the VGG19 architecture to feature extraction and classify Tumor and non- Tumor. This approach enhances the accuracy of tumors classification, aiding in the development of targeted treatment strategies for patients. The method is trained on the Br35H dataset, resulting in a training accuracy of 0.9983 % while the validation accuracy of 0.9953 %. This demonstrates effective pattern learning and generalization capabilities. The model achieves outstanding accuracy, with a best accuracy for the model of 0.9983 %, While the test accuracy of the model reached of 99 %, and both of sensitivity and specificity at 0.9967 %. Additionally, the proposed method achieved F1- score of 0.9991 %.

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