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Salima Bourougaa-Tria
Tebessa University, Annaba University
Salima Bourougaa-Tria have been associated with University of Tebessa an Assistant Professor since November 2009. Before that she received her engineer degrees in information Systems in 1994 from the University of Annaba. Also she received her Magister (2009) from the University of Annaba. She continued her post-graduate studies to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of ubiquitous computing. Her PhD research focused on the User Semantic Profiles for adapting services, application to ubiquitous Information Systems. Her research interests include information systems, ontologies, context modeling, ubiquitous computing, data bases.. She has participated in several national and international professional conferences as ICEIS. She has published over 10 papers in journals and specialized conferences. She is a member of CNEPRU research project. She participated as a member of the 3 conference organizing committee: ICIST2011 in Tebessa, Algeria, ICIST2012 in Sousse, Tunis and IT4OD 2014 in Tebessa, Algeria. She is a member of the research team “service oriented computing” of the LAMIS Laboratory at Tébessa University.
Hassina Seridi-Bouchelaghem
Annaba University
Hassina SERIDI received her PhD in computer science from the University of Annaba (Algeria). She is currently working as a Professor at the Computer Science Department of Annaba University and she is a teacher and a researcher at the LabGED laboratory. Her research focuses include: Information systems, Contextual Modeling, Knowledge Engineering, Semantic Web, Social Networks, and Virtual Communities.
Farid Mokhati
Oum-el-bouaghi university
Farid Mokhati is a full professor at the Department of Mathematics and Com-puter Science at Oum el bouaghi University in Algeria. He is the head of the researchteam “DISE” (distributed-intelligent systems engineering) at Oum el Bouaghi University and the head of the research team “service oriented computing” of theLAMIS Laboratory at Tébessa University. He holds an HDR (Habilitation à Diriger desRecherches) in Computer Science (distributed artificial intelligence) in 2010 from Annaba University. His main areas of interest include aspect-mining and refactoringin multi-agent systems, multi-agent systems quality control and assurance, formalmethods and service-oriented software engineering.
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Informatica is financially supported by the Slovenian research agency from the Call for co-financing of scientific periodical publications.
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